Saturday, 25 March 2017

Amiga Explorer to Linux

I use Amiga Explorer from CloanTo on the Amiga for transferring files to/from my Linux PC.

Although it's fairly easy in Linux to transfer serial data to the Amiga using transwarp and similar, using Amiga Explorer makes things easier.

Amiga Explorer has a PC client for Windows but nothing for Linux.  The Explorer program partially works under Wine but seems flaky and crashes doing directory listings on my standard Fedora 25 machine.

I've created a script that can be used as a Linux client for communicating with the Explorer program running on the Amiga.  The script supports both RS232 serial and LAN connections.  This is a command line tool, there's no graphical user interface.

I've uploaded the code to GitHub here:

I have uploaded a bootable Amiga Explorer ADF disk image Amiga Explorer 6.0.  Transfer and write it to disk from Linux using transwarp as mentioned in my earlier post.  (edit: new version that boots on A500 onwards)

Example Usage (Serial):

     lxamiga -l
     lxamiga -d df0:
     lxamiga -s myfile.txt df0:Empty/myfile.txt
     lxamiga -r df0:Empty/remote.txt -w local.txt
     lxamiga -r :df0:disk.adf -w image.adf
     lxamiga -s image.adf :df0:empty.adf/image.adf
     lxamiga -u df0:Empty/deleteme.txt
     lxamiga -f df1: Empty

It's the same commands to use the LAN connection, just use the -t switch first:

     lxamiga -t -l

1. List available devices/volumes:

$ -l
Connected to host successfully at 19200
Read 996/996 Bytes 100.0%
14 entries:
 DH0:WORKBENCH           10234 kB    10710 kB 18/01/1996 20:18 RWED                  
 DH1:SIMULATOR           25628 kB    51510 kB 18/01/1996 20:35 RWED                  
 DH2:CREATE              14187 kB    95795 kB 18/01/1996 20:49 RWED                  
 DH3:DOCUMENTS           25220 kB    94095 kB 18/01/1996 21:05 RWED                  
 RAM:Ram Disk              605 kB      611 kB 25/03/2017 15:47 RWED                  
 DF0:Explorer              174 kB      880 kB 16/02/1993 15:40 RWED                  
 DF1:Blank                   2 kB      880 kB 25/03/2017 09:26 RWED                  
 :R:Kick.rom                 0 kB      512 kB 15/07/1993 00:00 R       AMIGA ROM Operating
 :DF0:Explorer.adf           0 kB      880 kB 16/02/1993 15:40 R                     
 :DF1:Blank.adf              0 kB      880 kB 25/03/2017 09:26 RW                    
 :DH0:WORKBENCH.hdf          0 kB    10710 kB 18/01/1996 20:18 RW      SEC:34 SUR:5 RES:2
 :DH1:SIMULATOR.hdf          0 kB    51510 kB 18/01/1996 20:35 RW      SEC:34 SUR:5 RES:2
 :DH2:CREATE.hdf             0 kB    95795 kB 18/01/1996 20:49 RW      SEC:34 SUR:5 RES:2
 :DH3:DOCUMENTS.hdf          0 kB    94095 kB 18/01/1996 21:05 RW      SEC:34 SUR:5 RES:2

2. Format disk:

$ -f df1: Blank
Connected to host successfully at 19200
Formatting df1: Blank
Formatting 100.0%

3. Send ADF image to disk:

$ -s DragonsMegaDemoI.adf :DF1:Blank.adf
Connected to host successfully at 19200
Uploading DragonsMegaDemoI.adf to :DF1:Blank.adf
Sent 901120/901120 Bytes 100.0%

4. Read disk to ADF image:

$ -r :DF0:Explorer.adf -w AExplorer.adf
Connected to host successfully at 19200
Read 901120/901120 Bytes 100.0%
901120 bytes saved to AExplorer.adf

5. Read a file from Amiga to local filesystem:

$ -r :R:Kick.rom -w kick.rom
Connected to host successfully at 19200
Read 524288/524288 Bytes 100.0%
524288 bytes saved to kick.rom

$ md5sum kick.rom
e40a5dfb3d017ba8779faba30cbd1c8e  kick.rom (Kickstart 3.1)

6. Upload a file to the Amiga (over LAN):

$ -t -s ProTracker-3.15.lha RAM:
Connected to successfully.
Uploading ProTracker-3.15.lha to RAM:/ProTracker-3.15.lha
Sent 97654/97654 Bytes 100.0%

$ -t -d RAM:
Connected to successfully.
Read 168/168 Bytes 100.0%
4 entries:
 Clipboards              (dir) 28/10/2017 21:27 RWED                  
 ENV                     (dir) 28/10/2017 21:28 RWED                  
 T                       (dir) 28/10/2017 21:28 RWED                  
 ProTracker-3.15.lha     97654 07/04/2017 18:45 RWED  

I've only implemented the features useful to me. If there's interest I'm happy to add the remaining functionality from Explorer.

I originally wrote lxamiga for Linux about 10 years ago but lost the source.  The earlier version supported both serial and network connections and had a separate graphical interface front end written in Perl/GTK.

EDIT: A kind reader had the source and sent me a copy, which to my surprise was written in C++, but it's horribly broken on 64 bit machines so I won't post it here.

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